Bringing over 45 years of experience to the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of disputes in Northeast Pennsylvania through impartial fact-finding, mediation, and arbitration.
About Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
If you have a dispute, you can take it to court and, two years later, get a decision. And then face post-trial motions and appeals.
Or you can resolve it on your terms, on your schedule, outside the courtroom.
Arbitration uses a neutral, independent person to hear evidence and argument and make a decision that is binding on everyone.
Mediation uses a neutral, independent person to help both sides come to an agreement among themselves that is written and binding on everyone.
Both alternatives are faster and less expensive than trials in court.
Whether either works depends greatly upon the training, experience, independence, and integrity of the person you choose to help you.

Tobey Oxholm
In his “retirement” from a 45-year career which saw him receive many local, state, and national awards for exemplary public service (most recently, the Mighty Oak Award presented in September 2024 by Outreach – Center for Community Services in Scranton), attorney Tobey Oxholm has turned his talents to helping people avoid court and come together to settle their disputes.
Because of his unique background and the variety of approaches he uses to dispute resolution that are not available in court proceedings, he is credited with being a “creative” mediator whose empathy and “out-of-the-box” ideas have helped find solutions that his clients did not think were possible.
And when a final agreement eludes the parties, he has decades of experience as a neutral arbitrator, providing just resolutions quickly and inexpensively.
Tobey has provided training programs in mediation to the Community Associations Institute, to a community summit hosted by then Representative (now Senator) Rosemary Brown, and to the Bar Associations of Pennsylvania and Lackawanna, Monroe, Philadelphia, Pike, and Wayne counties.
Podcasts and Writings
Here is more information you might find helpful about ADR.
Tobey was asked by the Community Associations Institute,
the national association of planned communities, to explain ADR. In a discussion with the Institute's executive director, Tobey explains.
The Five Most Important Things To Consider
And here is something he wrote about mediation:
About the Logo
The logo for Just Resolutions is a combination of images.
It begins with "Ω" – the Greek letter "omega." Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and the international symbol meaning "the end" (as in the phrase "the alpha and omega").
When positioned above a line, the omega forms an "=" as its base, representing equality and balance.
The two images combine into the Zodiak symbol for "Libra," the Scales, which is the symbol of justice.
Here's some of what Tobey's clients have said about him:
"Tobey brings a remarkable work ethic to every case he handles, demonstrating not only a deep understanding of alternative dispute resolution but also a genuine commitment to achieving the best outcomes for all parties involved."
"What truly sets Tobey apart is his ability to navigate complex and emotionally charged situations with professionalism, empathy, and impartiality. He creates an environment where both parties feel heard and respected, which is critical for reaching a resolution that everyone can accept."
"Tobey's dedication to his craft is evident in his preparation, communication, and follow-through. He ensures that both attorneys and their clients are supported throughout the process, making what could be a stressful experience much more manageable."
"[Tobey] has proven himself to be an invaluable resource for our firm and a trusted partner in resolving disputes effectively and amicably."
While he is a lawyer, Tobey Oxholm does not represent any clients personally or work for any law firm.
That allows him the independence and flexibility to help you resolve your dispute as quickly, conveniently, and inexpensively as everyone wants.
If you have questions or comments, use this form to send him an email. You will hear back from him very quickly.
Just Resolutions is the name under which Tobey provides neutral, impartial arbitration and mediation services in Northeastern Pennsylvania.